Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Didn't see the stop sign/ Took a turn for the worse.....  Well, today is a tough one; my AAA child has teachers that aren't observing his 504 (and haven't all year, to my knowledge).  Which, as you know, makes for very frustrating days like this one.  I hate picking up my son and seeing him in tears of frustration.  Good news is that in one week I have the IEP meeting at 9am, and hopefully I shall get my Mama Bear personality out and be ready to fight.   Unfortunately with budgets being what they are, there is shorthanded staff and an unwillingness to allocate more resources to a child who, from outward appearances, seems just fine.  And he is very smart- but the typical teaching style isn't optimal for his performance.  So today was teachers not seeing the stop sign he was showing them, and as a result he took a turn for the worse.  After two hours he's finally calm and doing something he loves (practicing his trombone... no, seriously, he likes doing it!).  But Mama Bear here, after also enforcing a no-screens rule after school because of an undone report-- well, I could use a little time to do something I love.  Cookie baking it is-- and maybe a glass of vino to go with it. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Surely make you lose your mind....  I have to admit that throughout my 12 years of parenting my eldest with all three conditions, I have resorted to pharmaceuticals for myself.  It is said that stress, depression, divorce rates, etc. are all markedly more common for parents of special-needs children than for parents in the general population.  And it isn't hard for us to see why.  Currently I am in the same room as my son perseverating on the location of his cell phone and starting to speak sharply to all concerned as he searches... and searches.  Organization is not his strong suit, so I probably best keep this short so I can help look. For those not familiar with this wonderful trait of perseveration, it is when my son has what my dad calls a "one-track mind".  His mental train only goes on one track, and right now it is the location of his cell phone.  Eventually the situation gets resolved or forgotten about, and then his mind goes down another track, getting himself upset.  The resolve it takes some days seems monumental, as I try my best not to get into a shouting match with him (as calm, soft repeating doesn't seem to work).  In this situation, one good thing I do is prayer, and another is deep breathing.  That is, when I have the presence of mind to try this before I get all worked up too!  :)
Life in the fast lane.... that Eagles song seems to speak to the life of a parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and/or Generalized Anxiety.  I am one of these parents, and I hope to connect with some of you about parenting tips, sharing joys and frustrations, and maybe even a laugh or two.   I also hope to write some about the mental health of the parents of these children.  It certainly isn't easy living day-to-day with perseveration, meltdowns, distractedness, tears, etc.  So my hope is to also have this blog be an oasis of serenity for parents that need a sane place to go.  :)  Welcome!